Hotel Ariston Montecatini: the set-up by Edenpark

Hotel Ariston Montecatini: a pearl in the land of well-being

Particularly successful was the collaboration between the architect Silvia Giannini and Edenpark Firenze, in the set-up project for the Hotel Ariston in Montecatini Terme. Love at first sight, almost, between Silvia and the Florentine company, represented by Francesco Celentano. The architect has contributed his know-how in the world of wellness and spas, while Edenpark has contributed with his vision of outdoor design and with the great enthusiasm of Francesco and his team.

Camilla Bellini’s interview with Silvia Giannini

Designer and design blogger Camilla Bellini interviewed the architect Giannini, who over the years has specialized in the world of spas and wellness. There couldn’t be a better professional profile than Silvia’s to take care of the project of the Hotel Ariston in Montecatini, in the heart of a UNESCO World Heritage area and internationally renowned for its thermal baths.

The intervention of Edenpark Firenze and the architect Giannini

The mission was not the easiest: to give originality to a structure located in a territory with many competitors. The basic concept was therefore to read the city of Montecatini Terme as a garden. Hence, the ambitious mission of “bringing the outdoors inside the hotel”. In other words, bringing nature into an enclosed space. Do not reproduce nature, but bring back its shapes and colors inside. The keyword, therefore, was “strategy”: thanks to a strategic planning of the work done only to a part of the hotel, vital lifeblood was restored to the entire structure, in which the owners have began to invest in an important way in order to find a new way to get on the market, diversify the clientele and even the periods of the year of most attractiveness. But the work at the Hotel Ariston is not finished: its terrace on the top floor will be converted in the direction of well-being, so as, in fact, to ensure that the structure is more exploited on the outside in the summer.

Read the article written by Camilla Bellini.

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